Sunday, September 27, 2009

Louie Vito on Dancing with the Stars

Lauren Traub Teton

Wanna see something cool? Check out the videos of Louie Vito on "Dancing with the Stars" from September 21, 2009. Louie is a 2 time Grand Prix winner and 21-year old pro-snowboarder going for the 2010 Olympic Team. He's from Bellefontaine, OH with a stop at the Stratton Mountain School along the way. I never noticed what a fabulously charming smile he has, and certainly never saw his buffed up arms when he was swaddled in snowboard gear at the US Open. See the 4 min. video with Louie's buff arms here.
See the official ABC 2 min. vid here.

Surprisingly, dancing is new to him. I thought snowboarding and dancing went together like boards and stickers. At least that is my observation from the many cool dancers I've encountered at snowboard parties, but perhaps they are a self-selected group. But Louie gamely ventures (way!) outside his comfort zone to learn the foxtrot and allegedly salsa too, though I haven't seen that vid yet.

Louie Vito and Lauren at the 2006 US Open (he was just 18!)

It can only help his future snowboard performance to learn the good straight posture and shoulders down relaxed strides he works on for the dances. There is a lot of cross-over between dancing and snowboarding. He says he doesn't need straight posture to ride, and has to stay "hunched over" but I say that knowing how to use the body in a versatile way is all good! And training the mind to keep learning new things is a life skill that always serves us well.

More pix of the 2006 US Open including up-close photos with Shaun White, Mason Aguirre, Hana Beaman, Freddie Kalbermatten, Sketchy D, Danny Davis, Elena Hight and more!

If you're interested to know why Belly Dancers are Natural Snowboarders, check out my article and pictures here.

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